Assign efforts to tasks

An effort is the quantity of hours estimated for a task. Each task may have a specific duration in days, but an effort estimate of several hours.

From the MANAGEMENT menu, select the project and then the task to which to assign the effort 1.

Assign the efforts (in other words the time dedicated to the task, specified in hours and minutes):

  • To a particular professional category 2 if, for example, you need 120 hours for an engineer profile but do not yet know the individual who will perform this task.
  • To a team member 3 directly.


ITM Platform analyzes those resources which have an excessive workload when hours are assigned and if this occurs it displays the edit box in orange and flags up an alert icon.

To discover the reason for the excess workload, click on the icon to access the resource occupation window and evaluate the workload of that team member and the others.