Advanced parameters

Advanced parameters

You can customize ITM Platform in accordance with your terminology and information structure by configuring a series of parameters and values which can subsequently be used on projects, tasks, risks, etc.

ITM Platform can modify, among other aspects, the Project Parameters 1 in order to help you classify and define their behavior. In the case of projects, you can add, modify or delete priorities, statuses, types and approvals.

You can also modify the Task Parameters 2 to establish their priorities, statuses and types.

How can I activate workflow authorizations for other users?

How can I activate workflow authorizations for other users?

My Authorizations depends on user’s role. To update this you should go to ORGANIZATION->User Management->Role definition and add or modify a role.

By default, only Full Access users have this options enabled.

To enable this, you only need to select it and save.

Users with this role assigned, can now also see My Authorizations menu.

How can I create a new and different schedule from the original?

How can I create a new and different schedule from the original?

To create working hours different from default, you have you go to Organization-> User management-> Working hours and add new working hour.

Select number of hours to each day Desired name and working hour.

Then, this schedule Assigned to your users on User management section.

How to enable authorization system of project status?

How to enable authorization system of project status?

First you need to enable the “authorization process”  which can be found under “project parameters” in the Configuration Menu.

Then you must configure each status. Begin by first selecting the status that follows this particular status.

Next, add the conditions for each status (such as “start date”) in order to get approval from other users.

Finally, decide how many users are needed to authorize each status update.

If the status conditions are met there will be a “pending authorization” notification that arises.

The Authorizing will be available in MY AUTHORIZATIONS, and you may choose to accept or decline the status update.

Quick user creation

Quick user creation

Click on the direct link Register a new user or use the ORGANIZATION menu, Users option and add a new user:



In the Personnel section, the only required details you must provide are a Login Name (Email Address) and a Password. Each user will have a role defining their access permissions.

You will be able to enter more details to help you classify and enrich the user datasheet. The professional profile will determine the costs of projects in which the user is involved, if the system uses standard costs (see General budget, Cost estimate and Purchase estimate and assignment of invoices).

Once the user has been created they will receive an e-mail with their access codes.