How can I comment on entities like tasks or docs?

How can I comment on entities like tasks or docs?

To comment an item on ITM Platform you only need to go to the document, project or task you want to comment and write your comment on the dialogue box.


In this case, we will comment a task, where all task members are able to see this comment.


This update will appear both on Project’s home as well as on My Desktop to other users, where they can reply to it.


All members will also receive the commentary alert on their email.

How can I update message templates that users receive?

How can I update message templates that users receive?

To update message template will have to go to CONFIGURATION->Communication->Settings and then Templates tab.

Corporate Social Collaboration

Corporate Social Collaboration

ITM Platform provides a corporate social collaboration environment similar to today’s social networks, a place for users to maintain internal, up-to-date communication within the organization.

Each team member can publish messages in the dialog box 1, which is visible on any ITM Platform screen, linked to the option and element open at the time in question. In other words, if you are working on a task then the message will only be visible to the team members involved in that task.

You can display notifications of messages received on your personal communication panel 2, where you can also apply filters and take part in conversations.

Each user can make comments that are:

  • General, for the whole system
  • Specific to one project (visible only to the project team members)
  • Specific to a particular element of the project, for example Risks or Budget
  • Specific to a task (visible only to those involved in the task and the project manager)
  • One-to-one comments, as in any other messaging system

ITM Platform also offers another type of communication by means of alert messages for the assignment of tasks and projects to users or the registration of new users, among other functions.

Configuration of communications

Configuration of communications

You can configure the preferences which new users will inherit regarding automatic communications. Each user can then subsequently modify their preferences from the menu My Profile.

From the menu CONFIGURATION, in the section Settings 1, configure the Preferences for new users 2for communications.

In E-mail Settings 3, define the notifications which will be e-mailed to users, for example to inform the Project Leader of task progress, to send credentials out to new users or inform team members of task assignments, among other options.

You can customize under Templates 4 the content of the ITM Platform messages along with the e-mails, by selecting the template language and modifying the corresponding content.