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Mass Updating Purchases

ITM Platform allows you to perform operations on a group of project purchases by navigating to the Purchases section and selecting the purchases you require. The selection is made by ticking the checkbox to the left of each purchase.

As soon as you start making your selection, you will see the number of selected purchases at the bottom of the list, and three options will be enabled:

  • Copy: Copies the selected purchases to another project, as explained in more detail in the section on copying purchases. You can also choose to include the tasks related to the copied purchases.
  • Edit: Allows you to edit several fields of the selected purchases in a mass update process, as explained in the next section.
  • Delete: Deletes all selected purchases. Before deleting, ITM Platform will ask for confirmation.

Update Purchases

Clicking Edit opens a pop-up showing the number of purchases you are editing.

Clicking See Which displays a list of the selected purchases.

The pop-up allows you to set several options applied to the selected purchases:

  • Status: Select the status to apply to all selected purchases or choose Keep Current to leave the status unchanged.
  • Type: Select the type to apply to all selected purchases or choose Keep Current to leave the type unchanged.
  • Purchase Budget: Select the purchase budget to apply to all selected purchases or choose Keep Current to leave the budget unchanged.
  • Provider: Select the provider to apply to all selected purchases or choose Keep Current to leave the provider unchanged.
  • Projected Amount: When mass updating the projected amount of purchases, choose from three options in the dropdown menu:
  • Keep Current: Leaves the projected amount of each purchase unchanged.
  • Fixed Amount: Applies a fixed amount to all purchases, making them identical.
  • Percentage: Multiplies the projected amount of each purchase by a percentage, allowing different projected amounts.
  • Actual Amount: When mass updating the actual amount of purchases, choose from three options in the dropdown menu. Note that changes will only apply to purchases with a status that allows for an actual amount:
  • Keep Current: Leaves the actual amount of each purchase unchanged.
  • Fixed Amount: Applies a fixed amount to all purchases, making them identical.
  • Percentage: Multiplies the actual amount of each purchase by a percentage, allowing different actual amounts.
  • Due Date: Select the due date to apply to all selected purchases or choose Keep Current to leave the due date unchanged. Purchases that depend on a task will retain their original due date.

Once you are satisfied with the changes, click Next to apply them. After confirmation, the changes may take up to a minute to appear in the Purchases section.