Which tools are available on the software to alert the project manager on the expiration of a task?

Which tools are available on the software to alert the project manager on the expiration of a task?

The Project Manager will be able to assign the tasks they wish to receive notifications for and each project manager can decide how many days before the expiration of the task they would like to receive a notified by clicking here .

How to export project’s follow-ups?

How to export project’s follow-ups?

To export a project, click the Projects category and then go to Follow Up and click the Add Project Follow-Up tab:


If you want to export all of your task follow-ups, you can look under Reporting:


Next, you can add filters to select data from specific tasks:


Once this is done, save your work and it will be available the next time you need it. Your information can also easily be exported to Excel.

How can you know the % that should be the follow-up date to determine progress or delays in the schedule?

How can you know the % that should be the follow-up date to determine progress or delays in the schedule?

In order to check the execution of the project in terms of schedule and budget I recommend using the earned value management in the document  here .

Additionally, you can compare the progress of tasks (internal yellow shading of each task) with the current date (vertical dashed line) so that you can graphically check which tasks are delayed.

The same happens for the portfolio of projects.

Assign efforts to tasks

Assign efforts to tasks

An effort is the quantity of hours estimated for a task. Each task may have a specific duration in days, but an effort estimate of several hours.

From the MANAGEMENT menu, select the project and then the task to which to assign the effort 1.

Assign the efforts (in other words the time dedicated to the task, specified in hours and minutes):

  • To a particular professional category 2 if, for example, you need 120 hours for an engineer profile but do not yet know the individual who will perform this task.
  • To a team member 3 directly.


ITM Platform analyzes those resources which have an excessive workload when hours are assigned and if this occurs it displays the edit box in orange and flags up an alert icon.

To discover the reason for the excess workload, click on the icon to access the resource occupation window and evaluate the workload of that team member and the others.

How do I know that users have overallocated effort?

How do I know that users have overallocated effort?

Each ITM Platform user can have assigned working hours for each day of the week, so that when task assignments and their corresponding effort exceed the working hours, the system will give an alert that you can manage.

These alerts can be found on the task list, selecting the “overallocation” ❶ option from the list of fields to display ❷.

Or within the subsection “Effort” task, distinguishing in this case on users assignments ❸  and professional profiles ❹

For the cause of the overload, click the icon to access the ocupation window of resources and assess its workload and that of other team members.